Patient Participation Group

Patient Participation Group

Rutland House and Queens Avenue Practices will be combining their two PPGs from 1 May 2021 following the merger of the two practices. You can find more information below about the PPG and how to join. 

What is the PPG?

The PPG is a partnership between patients and the practice.  The PPG brings together patients who want to work with us to keep improving the service we offer.  We would like to know how you see our surgery and staff and your ideas for the development of the service.  We want to get the widest range of views so encourage everyone to sign up.

Every patient who wishes it can have a voice through the PPG.  Some members want to attend meetings.   Some may just want to receive news and notification of events.  There will be an open meeting for all patients once a year which may be online.  There may be opportunities to join working groups or events may be organised on subjects that are of special interest to you.

What does the PPG do?

The members of the current two PPGs meet periodically with the doctors and other practice staff to:

  • Exchange information
  • Provide feedback from patients
  • Suggest changes to aspects of the service that patients may have found difficult
  • Comment on practice changes and plans

Some changes that have been made as a result of PPG suggestions include:

  • Improvements in booking appointments at RH
  • Reduction in delays to online repeat prescriptions at QA

Both PPGs have had working groups to pursue issues in greater depth, one on issues connected with the merger at RH and one on improved information for patients on the practice website at QA.

Other local PPGs have developed voluntary activities for practice patients another option is health promotion and the encouragement of self-care where appropriate.  Rutland Medical Practice will have a new PPG so this is an exciting time to get involved and set priorities for the patient group.

Can anyone join the PPG?

Any patient of the practices is eligible to join the PPG.  All you need to do is follow the link below to complete the patient participation group application form online or ask for a form at your practice reception desk. 

Getting Your View

The group would like to contact patients on occasion by email and/or text so that they can obtain the views of the widest group of patients possible. We would like to obtain your email address and mobile phone number to do this. Please complete the Patient Contact Form to provide your consent for this.

What support is available for new PPG members?

Healthwatch Haringey offers resources to help PPG members, including access to training, a PPG toolkit and network meetings.  To find out more, follow the link below:

Healthwatch Haringey website